Sliding door closets

Sliding door closet has twin doors that slide across a wide closet opening. The doors slide on a track at the top of the closet door. Another track on the floor helps the doors stay aligned. The tracks are split into two parallel tracks: one track in front of the other.


The Trendy Way to Limit Space

Closet space is valuable in practically every part of a home. In some rooms though, traditional closet doors that open outward can cut down on important square footage. Sliding closet doors can help save space while providing the storage you need.

Sliding closet doors for bedrooms are particularly popular since they allow you to access clothing and other items even if you’ve got a bed or piece of furniture nearby that might get in the way of a traditional door. Making wardrobe doors sliding instead of opening outward also gives you the option of using a mirrored front to make the room feel bigger while providing a practical mirror for getting dressed.